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After Mike Brown was murdered at the hands of a police officer, the streets of Ferguson have been under siege, as the civil unrest comes to a head in the country, with police brutality at an all time high.  Former Hot Boy, Turk, penned this dedication track in honor of Mike Brown, titled “Hands Up (Don’t Shoot).”  He’s joined on the track by a rising star from Germany, Joe Young, while Atlanta’s Joey Did This held down the production.

“I feel strongly about the Mike Brown case; it’s becoming an epidemic.  Over and over these murders are going unpunished; not only that, but I recently came home from doing almost a decade in prison due to police misconduct and corruption…something has to change,” said Turk.


Said Joe Young, “Black or white, we are all God’s children.  Stand up for what’s right and not what’s hyped up by the media.  Skincolor is given.  Life is taken.”