Watch IshDARR’s “The Better Life” Video Album

Forget an EPK for yourself. Just do what IshDARR did with his newest music video. One of our SYLR alums, dropped a six and a half minute visual introduction that runs through his latest EP, The Better Life, while giving you images of his hometown and friends. And if you pay attention to the lyrics, he basically gives you his background on a soon to be silver platter. Actually, as long as he sticks to this thing called Hip-Hop, there’s no telling what that platter might be made of one day. You can’t help but listen to the whole thing as his production selection ranges from Jazzy samples to Alternative Pop. He may have an old soul with those Wu-Tang references but there’s nothing outdated about this teenager.

Be on the look out for more from this Milwaukee emcee.


Bryan Hahn is working on his own visual EPK now, which will most likely be composed of Diddy GIF’s and Clipse music. He’s on Twitter (@notupstate).