Listen To Game’s Michael Brown Tribute, “Don’t Shoot”, Featuring Half The Industry

A LOT of rappers come together for Ferguson

There’s no understating the effect the Michael Brown/Ferguson situation has had on communities worldwide, and rappers are certainly feeling the effects of it, whether they’re on the road or back home.   Well, a lot of them got together yesterday for a tribute track called “Don’t Shoot”, an effort which was spearheaded by Game, and he got quite a few people on board, “One Blood Remix” style.  Check the song out below, and you can see the full list of all the artists that joined Jayceon in the artwork, which is pictured above.

Game had this to say about “Don’t Shoot”.


I managed to get everyone on board fairly easy, simply because we have the hearts. We care and are inclined to take a positive approach to resolving an issue that has existed since the beginning of mankind and that is racism and hatred towards one another as human beings.

All proceeds from the iTunes purchase of the track will go towards the Justice For Michael Brown GoFundMe Account.