Hood Health 101: The Universe Will Rise Up To Meet You

This week’s edition of HH101 deals with our relationship to the universe

The dopest thing in the world to me is watching someone live out their dreams. Not solely because it gives me warm fuzzy, but because that individual was able to meet the inevitable challenges, pitfalls, and disappointments of life without wavering. Life never promised any of us an easy road on the journey toward our success. I will however say that everything you need to elevate yourself to your next level is already within you. The only thing that is left is to awaken that greatness that already exists within your being. If no one ever told you, I’m telling you today, that you were not born to be mediocre. You were not born to idly stand by and accept the notion that life is for the taking. Instead, I’m here to tell you beloveds that life is for the creating. 

Knowledge has to be the foundation:


Everything starts from a thought. The very first thing that needs to happen is determining what you want to do or create for yourself in your life. Once that has been established, then you will need to research that industry, trade, or skill. Create a knowledge base for yourself that is solid enough for you to move comfortably through your process. However, always keep in mind that you will continue to learn new things as you advance on your journey.

Wisely execute what you know:

Once you have the knowledge of what you would like to create for yourself, then you will need to create a plan of action. Your plan of action will be a step by step guide of the initial phases of your process. I often plan with six months to a years’ time frame in mind. After the selected time frame has come to pass you should reevaluate your plans, adjust them if necessary, and then start on the next phase accordingly. This gives you a chance to purposefully change your course accommodating a vast majority of inevitable circumstances or new and pertinent information that you have come across.

Understanding that nothing happens overnight:

There are no shortcuts to your dreams that are worth taking. Patience through the trials and tribulations of your journey are needed to self-sustain. When you feel yourself getting weary as many times you will, dig down deep and remember who, what, and why you are doing this. Recall the love and passion that dreams and goals elicit. You have to push yourself always knowing that you are worthy and deserving of the life that you want to create for yourself.

Stagnation is DEATH to your dreams:

Forward moment as stated so many times before is essential to your ability to craft the life that you want. Life will provide you with distractions that can be very hard to resist. The key is in remaining focused and steadfast on your path. Take time each week to learn something new as it relates to your journey. There is no such thing as too much knowledge or the application of it!

Oprah Winfrey once told India Arie to “be clear about your intention and the universe will rise up to meet you wherever you are.” If there were ever any sentiment that encapsulated this entire article it would be that one. You are ultimately the creator of your reality! Know and embrace that, and see the type of life that you will create for yourself.  Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @NakeashaJ and Instagram @Melanated_Beauty

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)