Video Suggests That Kim Kardashian Accidentally Left North West In A Paris Hotel

Keys? (check). Purse? (check). North?…North?!?

The internet has been known to make certain things look different from what they are in real life–it’s actually how the internet got its name–so we’re not surprised that Kim Kardashian has a very different account of what happened in the above video sequence than the net does, so we’ll leave it up to you, the jury, to make your decision. The aforementioned clip shows Kim leaving a Paris hotel, walking up to her carriage (SUV), and looking inside momentarily before gesturing to her bodyguard–presumably because she had to go back inside–and returning to the hotel. The time lapse in between when she initially walked up to the SUV and when she came back outside is unclear due to the video being edited, but when she re-emerged from the hotel, she was carrying North.


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The story quickly evolved into “Kim Kardashian Leaves North West In A Paris Hotel?” (Some sites didn’t even bother to put the “?”). The Kimye estate isn’t known for responding to every media scandal that surfaces on the internet, especially considering there are about 150 of them per any given 24-hour period, but considering how delicate an issue this could potentially be–the “endangerment of a child” and “not ready to be a mother” headlines pretty much write themselves at this point–Mrs. West decided to clear up the video clip on her Twitter account.




Now, to the internet trolls’ and speculators’ credit, there is something weird to Kim’s account. She claimed she went to make sure the car seat was in because they’d had a car seat issue before. The bodyguard waiting by the door, or the driver, couldn’t let Kim know that the car seat was in? There isn’t any other “issue” that can be checked out by just walking up to the car and staring into the car, which is what Kim does in the video. Either way, don’t think too hard about it. There are real things to be afraid of, like Ebola patients running loose in American airports.

Khari thinks Kim should’ve just admitted she forgot, but when she went back for North, she was mimicking one of her dad’s rants to hotel officials. Makes for a way cooler story. He’s on Twitter if you agree