Robert Downey Jr.’s known for chewing the scenery, but this…?

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Marvel Studios is well-known for their inter-connected universe of movies and their tendency to keep their actors on a tight leash when it comes to press reveals, but now they’re also known to give some pretty generous gifts.

According to an interview with BBCRobert Downey Jr. joked about wanting the giant “A” from Stark Tower in “The Avengers,” but apparently Marvel took him at his word:


“On the last Avengers, there’s this scene where there’s this ‘A’ which is probably 30 feet tall, and I’m looking at it, and we’re shooting in England, and I go, ‘I need that in my office in Venice,’ ” Downey said.  “About two weeks ago, a wheeler showed up, I’m like, ‘What the heck is this doing here?’ And they go, ‘This is the ‘A’ you asked for.’ And I go, ‘They brought it?’ So now we have a massive Avengers ‘A’ that will be prominently placed.”

Downey Jr. isn’t the only person who’s been endowed with Marvel goodies. James Gunn, director of this summer’s unexpected box office smash “Guardians of the Galaxy,” was given a replica of the Infinity Stone for his birthday by the comic juggernaut. Say what you will about Marvel, they’re one of the most well-oiled machines in contemporary Hollywood and they know how to keep their key players — and audiences around the world — happy.

This almost makes me feel sorry for poor Ben Affleck, who’s playing Batman in 2016’s “Superman v. Batman: Dawn of Justice;”  Affleck asked Warner Bros. for his own Batsuit, and they asked him for $100,000 in return.

Dylan wants to know where he can get a piece of the Rainbow Bridge to Valhalla from “Thor.” @Rastaman0318

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