There had to be something in the bi-laws about this
A Spanish teacher has been arrested after his lewd actions upon entering his classroom including going to the bathroom on himself and allegedly shoving a student up against a wall. While reports indicate that the incident was videotaped, no such video has surfaced. According to a local news station, the teacher showed up to class, and relieved himself in front of his pupils. Initially, that seemed to be the extent of his lack of self-control, but once students began videotaping him with their phones, he got physical, and “proceeded to pin a student up against the wall. He did make physical contact with a student.” This, according to an anonymous sources account, told to the aforementioned local news station, WTNH. He was arrested and removed from the school, but to the infuriation of some, a police report has yet to be filed, and local news correspondents visited the school to find out why. They didn’t find many answers, as you can see above.