Janice Dickinson Breaks Down During CNN Interview On Cosby Allegations

Janice speaks on her allegations against the comedian

Last month, Janice Dickinson came out and told Entertainment Tonight that she was drugged and raped by Bill Cosby. The allegation marked yet another accusation of sexual assault for Bill Cosby, who has spent the past two months in headlines as age old allegations have once again begun to resurface and plague the comedian and actor. Last night Dickinson, live on CNN, told the story of the night Cosby allegedly drugged and raped her in 1982 after Cosby lured her to his hotel room in the name of potential career advancement–Dickinson was a supermodel at the time.


According to Dickinson, she awoke the morning to pain and the sight of Cosby’s semen staining her clothes, which led her to flee the scene. 12 years ago, when news of an incident between Dickinson and Cosby first arose, the reports were that Cosby approached Dickinson but she refused to engage in sex with him, as per Dickinson’s autobiography.

In the above interview, she tells the excruciating details of what she’s alleging Cosby did to her.