Nicki Minaj Freestyles On ‘Inside The NBA’ With Shaq, Kenny & Grant Hill

Nicki Minaj joins the TNT crew for a cypher

Following last night’s excitable Thunder vs Warriors matchup, Nicki Minaj hung out with the award-winning cast of Inside The NBAKenny “The Jet” Smith, Grant Hill, Shaquille O’Neal and Ernie Johnson–as they recapped a busy night in the NBA, and then grabbed a mic and did what they Nicki does best, and let loose with some bars. Kenny kicked a few bars before passing it off to Grant Hill–who had a verse prepared–and Shaq, donning a grille and the same swag he had when he cut a record with Biggie Smalls many years ago, seemed to be geniuinely freestyling, and proposed to Nicki Minaj in the process.


Of course, Nicki went last, but she didn’t actually “freestyle.” Rather, she spit part of her first verse on The Pinkprint‘s “Big Daddy,” where she uses Manu Ginobli, San Antonio Spurs and Shaq references, perfect for the occasion.