HER SOURCE VICES | J. Papa Sorry Mom Tote

Our love for independent designers come far and wide. This time around we didn’t have to look to far! The home of the legendary Notorious B.I.G and JayZ also hold a treasure of fashion.  Brooklyn is known for having its own unique style and the J. Papa line screams a rebellious yet something we can all relate to. One of or favorite pieces is something as simple as a tote bag.


As the weather gets colder we definitely want to carry less. The Sorry Mom tote is perfect for the weather and all year round. It’s a  light-weight black brushed canvas bag and features SORRY MOM in neon blue; a definite eye catcher. It retails for $30 USD and you can cop it here!

Tatiana’s on Twitter (@TatianaTot) & rocking this for Coachella!