Barack Obama Proposes Two Free Years Of Community College For Qualified Students

Obama may be making pockets fatter in the coming years

President Barack Obama is considering modeling a nationwide program that would publicly fund 2 years of community college for qualified students. Essentially, those that qualify–2.5 maintained GPA on degree path–would be attending two years of community college at no cost to them, with the federal government picking up a large portion of the costs, and individual state governments pitching in the remaining necessary funds. The money that college students would save per year based on full-time community college costs is estimated at nearly $4,000.

POTUS’ new initiative takes after the Tennessee College Promise–a program that Tennesse’s governor Bill Haslam signed into state law last year providing two free years of community college for qualified students in his state. Since then, nearly 60,000 students have applied, including 90% of Tennessee high school seniors.


“Community college should be free for those willing to work for it because, in America, a quality education should not be a privilege that is reserved for a few,” says Obama. The president is adamant about the fact that a college degree is the “surest way to the middle class,” and this program is certainly a step in the right direction.

Now, how about those Sallie Mae pardons, huh prez?