5 Million Copies Of Charlie Hebdo Paper With Prophet Muhammad Cover Set For Print

A week after the massacre of eight of its journalists, Charlie Hebdo staff published 5 million copies of a “survivors’ issue”

The Charlie Hebdo magazine’s latest front cover shows a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad weeping while holding a sign saying “I am Charlie”, and below the headline “All is forgiven”. The issue is set for print despite last weeks’ attacks, where gunmen killed 12 people in and around the magazine offices last Wednesday. The victims included five of France’s top cartoonists, two policemen, a maintenance worker and a visitor. The “survivors’ issue”, as the magazine calls it, is available in six languages including English, Arabic and Turkish. Proceeds are going to victims’ families. Millions more copies of the French weekly magazine are being printed after the first run sold out in hours. Supporters were lined up around corners of French news stands selling the “survivors’ issue” till shelves were emptied.

This issue is symbolic, it represents their persistence, they didn’t yield in the face of terror.
– Catherine Boniface, Paris

The latest edition, kept to the usual 16 pages, and the front cover is by the surviving cartoonist Luz that portrays the prophet Muhammad. They also deliberately mock figures from Sister Emmanuelle to the pope, Angela Merkel and Madonna, and take comic revenge over the jihadis who burst into their offices last week. In the “survivors’ issue” three jihadis are shown plotting; one says: “We mustn’t touch the people from Charlie Hebdo.” The reply is: “If we do, they’ll become martyrs and once they get to paradise they’ll steal all our virgins.”


-Infinite Wiz (@infinitewiz)