HerSource | Treat Your Sweetie With the #CronutIsForever Valentine’s Day Set!

Who needs diamonds when you have Cronuts?!

Valentine’s day is soon approaching, and more times than not men don’t exactly know what to get their special lady. Sure, a heart-shaped box with assorted chocolates and a teddy bear from your local drugstore will always make her smile, but this year, we’d rather not have to sort through nougats and cherry-filled candies- lucky for us, Cronut™ (yes, the croissant/doughnut that has the entire city of New York under it’s spell) has decided to join in on the fun this year for a gift that is sheer pastry genius.


Processed with VSCOcam with c3 presetCronut™ creator Chef Dominique Ansel has just teamed up with Virgin Mega to give us the delectable treat in a whole new way with their #CronutIsForever Valentine’s Day set. The limited set includes a limited-edition, handcrafted pendant capsule containing brass Cronut™ flakes (yes, ACTUAL Cronut™ flakes) designed by acclaimed jewelry designer Gabriel Urist. Along with the capsule, the set comes with two “his-and-hers” cherry blossom ganache-flavored Cronut™ pastries filled with an amazing sour cherry jam and citrus sugar. This beats that tired box of chocolates by a mile!Necklace-043

Speaking of a mile, you won’t have to wait in the daily long line for this special treat- for this exclusive gift they’re going virtual. Chef Ansel will be using Virgin Mega’s groundbreaking new “line” technology that allows fans to wait in line via their phone and earn “jumps” by engaging with the line community. Only 100 of the limited sets will be sold, with 50 units being hand-delivered around NYC, and the other 50 to be overnighted to fans across this great nation for $100 (including shipping). With their guaranteed delivery before or on Valentine’s Day, this is clearly the SWEETEST IDEA OF ALL TIME.Processed with VSCOcam with c3 preset

And the icing on top (because who doesn’t love icing)? For each Cronut™  sold, 10% of the profits will go to a local charity- talk about the gift that keeps on giving!

So, what are you waiting for? Download the Virgin Mega app (available on the Apple App store & Google Play) to get in line for the 3pm EST drop on Wednesday, February 11 and treat your bae this holiday. Because let’s face it- a bear loses its fluff and chocolate melts, but #CronutIsForever.


Let Kairi know if you’ll be buying this for your lover on Twitter @_findingforever.