Her Source | Patricia Arquette Stands Up for Wage Equality on the Oscars


We were all Jlo’n and Meryl Streep’n to that speech tonight!

Taking her Academy Award win to the next level, the stunning Patricia Arquette stood up on the Hollywood stage for women all across America tonight. Winning for Best Supporting Actress, Arquette delivered an intensifying speech, pushing for wage equality in this country.


With such authority she spoke, “We have fought for everybody else’s equal rights. It’s our time to have wage equality, once and for all, and for equal rights for WOMEN in the United States of America!”

The audience at the Oscars roared, and so did we! Let’s not fall to the wayside allowing passive oppression to exist without reaction. Women’s rights are just as significant as Black rights, Gay rights, etc.

We appreciate your voice tonight Patricia Arquette and Congratulations!