DMV artist, GoldLink, has stayed behind the scenes for most of 2015 and the last few months of 2014. When a talented, forward leaning artist like GoldLink keeps quiet like that, it means great things are on the horizon. If you haven’t noticed yet, GoldLink has met up with legendary A&R Rick Rubin (a collaborative project is in the works) as well as putting out new music via other artists’ Soundclouds. The first new release starts with a blunt perspective of the street lifestyle and the senseless violence that goes along with it, but moves into an instrumental that uses a loop of lyrics that sounds like a King Tee song. The second captures Gold’s carefree attitude as he rides around the city, doing what he damn well pleases. Of course, it also samples the one and only, supa dupa fly, Missy Elliott.

Visit for more information

You can buy “FBGM” on iTunes and download “Vroom” for free.

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Bryan Hahn wonders what meditating with Rick Rubin is like. He’s on Twitter (@notupstate).


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