St. Patrick’s Day Experience

Every March 17th Irish and the Irish posers celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, which is a religious festive day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.  The day meant to commemorate Saint Patrick’s bring Christianity to Ireland. Catholic churches have services to remember this historic day in their history. For the rest of the world who choice not to partake in the religious actions of the day, they can enjoy the parade though mid-town Manhattan and the day drinking that follows.

The city is filled with some of the best Irish pubs in  the world and they will be filled for one of the biggest drinking holidays of the year. It is estimated by Lou Carlozo for “Dealnews” that about 245 million dollars will be spent on alcohol over the four day weekend. It is estimated that bars will make about 1% of their yearly commission just on this weekend. The St. Patrick’s day parade is, not surprisingly, the oldest Irish tradition. People have been marching the streets of 5th avenue for the past 250 years. According to the New York City’s parade website, the parade starts at 44th Street at 11 am and is held every March 17th except when March 17th falls on a Sunday; it is celebrated the day before, Saturday the 16th, because of religious observances. The parade marches up Fifth Avenue past St. Patrick’s Cathedral at 50th Street all the way up 79th Street  and the Irish Historical Society, where the parade finishes around 4:30 – 5:00 pm.

For all planing to go out make sure you got your money on point and to make sure you do get caught up drunk driving. Cops are setting up check points throughout the city to catch anyone trying to get around with a bottle of henny in their system. So enjoy the weekend in however way you decide to celebrate.


KingJut (@KingJut92)