Rice University Now Offering Free ‘Religion and Hip-Hop Culture’ Online Course With Bun B

As of March 26th, Houston’s Rice University will now be offering a free online course in ‘Religion and Hip-Hop Culture.’ 

Anthony Pinn and Bernard ‘Bun B’ Freeman will be examining the overlap in hip hop culture, music as a medium, and religion for a new online course on religion and hip hop at Houston’s Rice University.  Anthony Pinn is the university’s religious studies professor, and Founding Director of the Center for Engaged Research and Collaborative Learning.  Bernard ‘Bun B’ Freeman is a Grammy-nominee and distinguished guest lecturer.


The class is being offered at Rice’s Center for Digital Learning and Scholarship, and if students are still interested in signing up, they can register here.

“The number of enrolled students climbs every day, with over 100 countries represented, we are looking forward to the rich and global conversation. We believe this six-week course will mark an important development in the study of religion and hip-hop,” prophesied Plinn.

This course will be making history as Rice’s first massive open online course, and plans to address topics such as cultural developments in human history, and how hip hop itself has been used as a medium to express and explore religious topics.

Said Bun B, “This course gives me the opportunity to let people see a side of hip-hop that isn’t always discussed, and we’ve started a conversation that cannot end until people have a better understanding of who we are and what we do.”

The class will incorporate videos, readings, music, images, stories and behind-the-scenes perspectives.

-Nishat Big