Man Gets Beat Up After Michael Brown Question

The shooting of 18 year old Michael Brown Jr. is still a sensitive topic, especially in the state of Missouri. 

One man unfortunately learned that the hard way. According to CNN, a man who is African American sat next to a Caucasian man Monday night on public transit, and asked him how he felt about the Mike Brown shooting. When the man did not answer, he was punched in the face. Two other African American men joined in the fight.

The victim, whose name is not revealed says that at first, the young man who is believed to be in his twenties, asked if he could use his cell phone. When the victim declined, the young man then sat down next to him and asked him about the Michael Brown shooting.

“Then he asked me my opinion on the Michael Brown thing,” the victim said in an interview “and I responded I was too tired to think about it right now.” The victim continues, “The next thing I know, he sucker punches me right in the middle of my face.”

The suspects have not been found, and police need your help to identify them. Once found, the three men will face third degree assault charges.  The victim says that while he was assaulted, people did not try to help, but can be heard laughing at him being assaulted.

The state of Missouri has been on edge and racial tension has been high since Officer Darren Wilson was not convicted of killing unarmed teen Michael Brown.

– Ballah-moni Kollie (@Gottadream87)

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