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LeA Robinson, a young, enthusiastic lady who is always on the move, shares a little bit of her life with us at The Source. She’s currently working on her brand new EP, Ms. Robinson, as well as a televised series. Besides being an artist and dancer, she’s also business minded with a positive purpose. Additionally, Lea is developing her very own nail polish line in collaboration with Bernadette Thompson, who happens to be one of the top manicurist in the country, so stay tuned for that ladies! We got a chance to chit-chat and get to know Lea a little bit, check it out!

In the Mix with Ms. Robinson


The Source: So LeA, you’re always working on something, whether it’s music, fashion, dance, etc… but when all that is done and it’s time to just kick it, what are your favorite things to do?
LeA: I love to sleep (laughs).  It is literally one of my favorite things to do.  I also enjoy making people smile.
The Source: Haha, I can totally understand that.  Being constantly productive is a wonderful thing and it feels great to just enjoy relaxation and good vibes.  I can dig it!
The Source: So what are your aspirations in life?
LeA: I aspire to change the world for the better and be alive to witness the change.  I find to be a very blessed individual and God has given me many gifts in order to reach multiple people.  I also aspire to allow the women of my generation feel like Queens again.  We don’t have enough great women to idolize and the ones that are being idolized, in my mind, aren’t represantations of Queens because all they’re being idolized for are their bodies.  Women deserve the right to be showcased at a higher level.
The Source: That’s fantastic, you have a great attitude and you’re headed in the right direction.  It’s inspiring to hear your views on women and Queens.  I definitely agree with you on many levels.  We, as women, have to love ourselves for the right reasons and it all starts with self respect.
The Source: In your opinion, how important is it to follow your dreams?
LeA: So important!, I believe having people around you that support your dreams and visions are even more important.  Whether we like to admit it or not, we become the people that we’re always around.  If the people we surround ourselves with belittle our dreams, and tell us they’re not possible to achieve, after hearing it enough, you’ll start believing it.
The Source: Word, you have a solid support system though, I see it in your demeanor and accomplishments.
LeA: Thank you! I certainly do and it’s a blessing.
The Source: Where do you hope to go with your music career?
LeA: Wherever God decides to take it.  We can plan a whole week, month, year, and it will never be exact.  God’s plan is better than ours and that’s the one I chose to follow.
The Source: You’re on point!  That’s a positive and great way to look at things.  Set realistic goals, remain focused, and  leave it in the hands of God.  I like it!
The Source: Give us some last words before signing off girl.
LeA: Love yourself and trust yourself.  Always remember, if the people around you are not additions, they’re subtracting from your value and purpose.
The Source: Pow! Lol, and like that, she goes out with a bang!  Thanks for kickin it with us, let’s put the people on to Ms. Robinson.

Lea Robinson – “Higher”



About The Author

I do it for Hip-Hop

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