Brooklyn native, Nello Luchi releases The Struggle Before The Glory,  her latest and most personal album to date.  This is a body of work that reflects her journey, trials and tribulations.  You will hear part of her life story and past experiences, from family issues, survival, and more.  She states, in order to find inner peace, one has to come to terms with their past.  I’m sure we all relate to that.  Music of substance, she certainly brings that to the game.
Nello selected her reliable in-house producers, K’riem Scott, Bonafide Beatz, and Phoenix Says, who provide a variety of Hip-Hop sounds that compliment her flow.  Inspired by the Golden Era, that many of us appreciate, as well as the new school, the production on this album incorporates different vibes from both ends of the spectrum and allow Nello to display her versatility.

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Nello Luchi is one of the new voices in Hip Hop,” says singer, Chrisette Michele, as she vouches for the young Brooklyn MC.

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I do it for Hip-Hop

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