Man Shot and Killed By Police in St. Louis

Yet another black man has been shot and killed by police officers; this time, he was armed, but likely  in the throes of mental illness.

This time, in St. Louis.

According to MSNBC, St. Louis police were responding to a call from a woman who wanted her son, 23 year old Thaddeus McCarroll, out of her home. The woman claims that McCarroll locked her out of her home, and was talking about taking a “journey” and ” the black revolution.”  McCarroll was walking around the house with several knives and a samurai sword.


Police called for the force’s Tactical Operations Unit, who began negotiating with McCarroll. According to police, they negotiated with McCarroll for an hour. By then, McCarroll came out of the house with a knife in one hand and a bible in the other. Officers say that they tried to get the knife out of McCarroll’s hand by firing a ” less lethal round,” but that didn’t work. Police say that McCarroll charged at them with the knife, so they feared for their lives, and shot McCarroll multiple times.


– Ballah-moni Kollie (@Gottadream87)

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