Chris Christie Vows To Crack Down On Weed If Elected POTUS

the New Jersey governor is determined to tighten up on the liberal direction of marijuana laws

As more states consider and even warm to the idea of decriminalizing weed or making it legal, there is one politician who plans to hold the line and who is current New Jersey Governor and possible presidential candidate for the Republican Party, Chris Christie.

Christie has been a critic of the path certain states have taken in regards to marijuana, even though medical marijuana is permitted in New Jersey. The restrictions on it are among the tightest in the county. Christie was recently quoted in the media that should he be elected president, he would crack down on marijuana; a polar opposite stance to the recent general consensus. While on the Hugh Hewitt radio show, a conservative radio talk show, Christie claimed marijuana is a gateway drug and linked it to the addiction in the United States. As the presidential election season kicks off and candidates stake their positions on a variety of issues, this is one issue Christie made his position very clear.


-Lulaine Compere