High School Cafeteria Worker Arrested for Sleeping with Students

Illinois, your Florida is showing

Joi Taylor, 32, has been arrested after she allegedly performed sexual acts 16-year old and 18-year old brothers, including engaging in intercourse in a church parking lot with the 16-year old student.

According to ABC Chicago, Taylor was arrested yesterday, after news of her encounter with the 16-year old student surfaced. She will not be charged for the act she performed on the 18-year old, considering an 18-year old is considered to be capable of adequately giving consent. However, because of her involvement with the 16-year old boy, Taylor is facing felony sexual assault charges, and could be on the hook for more.


According to the victims’ family’s lawyer, Taylor threatened the brothers, claiming that she’d interfere with their involvement in sports at school if they didn’t give in to her advances. She has since been placed on leave.