Azealia Banks, the very outspoken and often controversial Harlem rapper, has just landed her film debut in an upcoming drama titled Coco. This will Azealia Banks’ first role in a feature film, and the drama for Lionsgate and Codeblack Films and will be directed by Wu-Tang Clan’s RZA. Also starring alongside Banks is Common, Jill Scott, Lucien Laviscount, Lorraine Toussaint and Hana Mae Lee.
In the Brooklyn-set drama, Banks plays an aspiring twenty-something rapper who wants a career in hip-hop but is torn by her parents’ dreams that she finish college. She gives in. While matriculating, she finds herself in the classroom; she experiences the true calling of the power of the spoken word, which helps her goals as a hip-hop artist. It has a bit of 8 Mile edge to it.
Coco is slated for a 2016 release.
-Victoria B. (@unabashedlytori)