Misty Copeland Named The First Black Women To Be Named Principal Of American Ballet Theater

Black Girls Rock!

This ballerina is easily making history – landing the cover of Time magazine, being recognized in 60 minutes, and starring in ballet’s biggest roles across the nation. Misty Copeland, 32, has been a soloist with the American Ballet Theater since 2007, and she now makes the first African-American principal ballerina in the company’s 75-year history.


Copeland is idolized by millions of girls and has become a social media sensation, as fans rave about her recent promotion and success.

“I had moments of doubting myself, and wanting to quit, because I didn’t know that there would be a future for an African-American woman to make it to this level,”

Ms. Copeland said at a news conference at the Metropolitan Opera House on Tuesday afternoon.

“At the same time, it made me so hungry to push through, to carry the next generation. So it’s not me up here — and I’m constantly saying that — it’s everyone that came before me that got me to this position.”

Copeland’s athleticism and urning for success helped her rise to the high ranking achievement and she accepts the title as principal dancer with grace.

Watch Misty Copeland’s Under Armor commercial that gained over 8 million views above.