Videos of Sandra Bland In Texas Jail Has Been Released

Additional footage of Sandra Bland‘s last days has surfaced in efforts to kill any rumors of her death being anything other than a suicide.

Allegedly, there are hours of footage in the course of the 3 days where Sandra Bland is well and alive in the Waller County Jail. The county judge, Trey Duhon said the videos are being released now because…


We’ve received death threats, we’ve received threats against our facilities…our phones were locked up pretty much with people calling from across the country.”

Also, he assures that “this video has not been altered or doctored in any way, these are the raw files”. Well ladies and gents, please check the video out for yourself.

Additional footage of Sandra Bland’s last days has surfaced in efforts to kill any rumors of her death being a suicide. A murder investigation is also being conducted.

You can find Ebbony on Twitter, @miss2bees