Following up the momentum of his buzzing single “Gametime”, Tef Wesley continues his relentless onslaught of aggressive rhymes and witty wordplay over top of a sinister, hard hitting production provided by Grussle.

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In a new era where lyricists get overlooked regularly, listening to dope emcees like Tef is refreshing for me.  Without a doubt, many of us respect the art and culture, but the amount of people who don’t, outnumber us.  This is one of the reasons why it’s vital for us to keep our ears to the streets as well as be open minded about new artists we might come across on the net.

“F.T.S.” will be featured on Tef Wesley and Grussle’s upcoming album “Pens & Needles”, dropping sometime in the near future.


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Follow @TefWesley on Instagram and Twitter and peep the previous visual to “Gametime“.