Mike Epps’ Wife Caught Him Trying To Slip Into Another Woman’s DMs On Twitter

the Next Friday comedian get caught out there by his wife fishing for side pieces on Twitter

If we’ve learned one thing from using Twitter it’s that there’s an art to sliding into someone’s DMs. As some men talk themselves in the direct messages of beautiful women, comedian Mike Epps is crashing and burning.

Mike Epps, who is married and has four children, was caught by his wife trying to get a female follower to take their conversation to direct messages. Needless to say Mechelle Epps was having none of it.


The 44-year-old comedian and actor initiated a public conversation with a woman named @CeciCitra, asking why she chose to leave Instagram.

“Not anymore. Wasn’t getting the likes I deserve,” the woman responded.

Mike Epps then tried to get @CeciCitra to take their conversation to his direct messages. Mechelle Epps jumped in the conversation with the lurking eyes emoji and shut her husband’s virtual flirting down.

About an hour after Mechelle Epps put her famous husband on blast, @CeciCitra posted a screenshot of Mike Epps’ profile stating she was blocked. Along with the photo, she tweeted, “I. Am. Weak.”

Once Twitter caught wind of the embarrassing predicament Mike Epps was in, they roasted him accordingly.

-Jonathan Hailey(@JaySpeakEasy_)