“Steve Jobs” starring Michael Fassbender, is the newest movie depicting the life of the infamous innovator Steve Jobs.

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Taking place backstage at three important Apple product launches, this movie gives insight into who Steve Jobs was and what took place behind the scenes. The film also focuses on the grand unveiling of the iMac. Michael Fassbender takes on the role of Jobs. He manages to perfectly embody the obnoxious and discourteous tendencies that Steve Jobs had while also finding moments that show his softer side. Unlike the first Steve Jobs movie starring Ashton Kutcher, this movie feels more honest and genuine when talking about Jobs as a person. There was no sugar coating, very little embellishment, and this storyline actually matched up with a lot of details found in the biography of Steve Jobs which was a huge plus. Writer Aaron Sorkin based his screenplay on Jobs’ official biography.

This movie also was very easy to follow. It was fast paced but at the same time interesting. Viewers will get a firsthand look into Steve Jobs’ thought process when making executive decisions at that time. The acting of all the cast members was superb and it really felt like you were transported to 1998 and part of the Apple team. Overall, this movie has a lot of things going for it, from the acting to the general storyline, and is definitely a movie worth taking the time out to see, whether you’re an Apple fan or not.


The film is now playing.

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