President Obama Prepares To Act On Gun Control

In an executive attempt to further restrict access to guns, President Obama met with former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg yesterday, who has become the arch-nemesis of the National Rifle Association.

According to a White House report, Obama and Bloomberg

“discussed ways to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have access to them and what more could be done at the state and local level to help address gun violence in America.”‎

As leader of the capital of the world, Bloomberg helped to start Mayors Against Illegal Guns in 2006 with then-Boston Mayor Tom Menino.‎ The organization was meant as a counter to the NRA, whose funding has aided in gaining votes for pro-gun candidates running for office. That made Bloomberg a political enemy of the NRA and other gun control groups, who have pegged him as the poster-child for more strict gun laws.


The gun control debate was revived following the Sandy Hook shootings, but died down after a couple of years. After the San Bernardino terrorist attacks, it has been brought tothe forefront once again. Can our public officials come up with laws guaranteed to kep the citizens safe?