This faith and family drama focuses on the transformative power of prayer. The film centers on a seemingly perfect family who find desperately needed help for their hidden problems from a wise, elderly widow named Miss Clara.
From the award-winning creators of ‘Fireproof‘ and ‘Courageous‘ comes WAR ROOM , a compelling drama with humor and heart that explores the power that prayer can have on marriages, parenting, careers, friendships, and every other area of our lives. The movie’s cast features director Alex Kendrick, Priscilla Shirer, T.C. Stallings, Beth Moore, Michael Jr., and Karen Abercrombie as the unforgettable Miss Clara. Filled with more of the authentic characters loved by millions in previous Kendrick Brothers’ films, War Room is a vivid reminder that prayer is a powerful weapon!
During their WAR ROOM Gospel Brunch Dec.17th at the iconic Harlem restaurant Red Rooster, The Kendrick Brothers expressed their ups amd downs shooting this monumental film and explained how their faith began through prayer and protection for their loved ones. Followed by the amazing sounds of Damien Sneed Gospel Choir who did amazing renditions of classic Christmas songs.
The inspirational film WAR ROOM debuts on Digital HD Dec. 8 and on Blu-ray and DVD Dec. 22