Armed Militia Government Standoff In Oregon Goes Into Second Week

The seizure of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge building in Oregon by armed, all-white militia groups goes into its second week, with the mother of the group’s leader calling for necessary supplies such as blankets and coffee from local supporters.

Ammon Bundy has promised that if there is no plans to transfer land from federal ownership to the locals, that no one from his Citizens of Constitutional Freedom will leave the refuge. Over the weekend, Carol Bundy, Ammon’s mother, called for supporters to send members of her son’s group supplies such as blankets, sleeping bags, wool socks, cigarettes, toiletries, food, coffee and “French Vanilla Creamer”.

The group has occupied the federal building since January 2, however, the FBI has yet to move on the group, citing the need to end the standoff with a peaceful resolve. On Saturday, the Pacific Patriot Network arrived fully armed for security purposes, but left several hours later after occupation leaders told them they weren’t needed.


The standoff is the latest in tensions between the feds’ management of Western lands. Ammon’s dad Cliven Bundy was involved in a 2014 Nevada standoff with the government over grazing rights.

This standoff continues as the country is caught in between two relative crises; terrorism and gun control. will bring you updates on this story as it develops.