Top 5 Hip Hop Tracks That Sampled Speeches From MLK

As we observe and celebrate the life and acomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the date of his birth, we must recognize the posthumous impact Dr .King on the minds of those generations that succeeded him, including that of the Hip Hop community. His cultural influence, the cohesive force of his voice and his undying love for all of mankind makes Dr. King’s works so attractive to the creatives and aficianados of Hip Hop music.

Some artists may have mimicked his  commanding vocal tone, while some have even adopted proactive stance on civil and human rights, but here, we have come up with a list of songs from some of the fans’ favorite artists who have put a piece of the King via his speeches in their music.


Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five – “The King” (Sampled “I Have A Dream” speech)


Boogie Down Productions – “Love’s Gonna Getcha” (Sampled “Been To The Mountaintop” Speech)

Common feat. Will I A.M. – “A Dream” (Sampled “I Have A Dream” Speech)

dead prez – “Malcolm Garvey Huey” (speech reference unknown)

Tyga – “Careless World” (Sampled “Been To The Mountaintop speech)