Kristen Stewart Thinks Us Talking About Hollywood’s Lack Of Gender Equality Is “Boring”

UPDATE: Variety just tweeted [7:19pm ET] Stewart was addressing GENDER equality, not diversity, in this video.

Editor’s Note: Does that make her words any different?


Almost went to title the article you’re about to read “Thiiiiiiis B*tch,” but had to stop myself.

Kristen Stewart is an actress. A successful, Millennial, white, Los Angeles-born actress. Fuse those key factors together when you’re assessing her viewpoint of the current hot topic (for white people, that is; for people of color, it’s the story of our lives) of authentic multicultural representation in Hollywood.

Stewart visited the Variety Studio at the Sundance Film Festival today [Monday, January 25, 2016] to promote her new movie, Certain Women, and was asked about diversity in entertainment.

“Instead of sitting around and complaining about that, do something,” Stewart opines. “Go write something, go do something.

“And that’s easy to say.” Yes, she’s still talking. “Like, f*ck, it’s hard to get movies made. It’s a huge luxury. Who gets to just make movies? But that subject is just so prevalently [note: that’s not a real word] everywhere right now, and it’s boring.”

Boring, you say? Just go do something, you say? We’re sorry to bother you with all this, Kristen. How dare we fight for equality when you have better things to do, right?