Yesterday, CBS Sports unveiled their brand new NBA themed show NBA Crossover, which is hosted by Nick Kostos. On the show, he had on former players Raja Bell and Rip Hamilton, and the trio ended up discussing the recent news surrounding Blake Griffin’s punching incident. This eventually led to the duo giving their thoughts on Griffin’s perception amongst players in the league.
Rip somewhat danced around his point of saying that many feel the Clippers forward is soft. Bell on the other hand, who had a fierce reputation on the court, took the gloves off when speaking on Griffin, stating bluntly that he is soft.
Blake is soft. Period. Blake Griffin is soft. Like the soft serve. You could put a chocolate coating on top and it gets even softer underneath. I say that because…there is too much evidence of him getting pushed around and, instead of taking care of his business like you know you need to, crying to the referees and making faces and ‘They’re trying to hurt me’ and this and that. Listen, brother, if people are coming after you, then get back at one of them. That’s what you do in the league. That’s how you establish that you will not be treated like that from night to night. He does not stand up for himself, which makes it even more comical when he hits a damn trainer or equipment man or something like that. Come on, brother. Come on.
Raja Bell isn’t the first person to say that Blake Griffin is soft (CC: Kevin Garnett, Zach Randolph, but it seems like he won’t be the last.