According to intimacy coach and “vaginal Kung Fu master” Kim Anami, a vaginal weightlifting technique she has practiced for over 15 years isn’t only a way of tightening a woman’s pelvic floor, but also a means of empowerment for the practitioner.
Anami has spearheaded a whole new movement she believes can vastly improve a woman’s sex life, in addition to gifting the woman with a natural facelift. She’s now gotten the whole world involved via her social media movement for the practice, hashtagging it as #ThingILiftWithMyVagina.
Through Instagram, she posts candid shots of doing every day tasks and lifting various things with a pulley-like instrument she has fashioned. She starts the process by placing a jade stone in the shape of an egg with two inserts that a hook can be attached to inside her vagina. She then loops the rope through the hooks, and then attaches the rope to various objects such as a dumb bell, fruit, a trophy, etc and begins to lift.
She tells People, “in the Vaginal Kung Fu program I teach, it’s about toning the pelvic floor and vagina with a weight training routine, and in the process, reconnecting a woman to her body and sexual power.” Anami details how she believes must women have “numb vaginas” stemming from proper lack of use.
She continues, “just like any muscle that isn’t being exercised, it will atrophy.This leads to numbness, dissociation and lowered libido. Vaginal Kung Fu invigorates the vagina so it can function as it’s meant to: a giver of multiple orgasms and life-changing pleasure.”
Currently Anami can lift up to 10lbs with her vaginal muscles. Not only does practicing the method bring about increased orgasms, better mental and physical well-being, a furrow free brow area, easier child birthing, but it also has the ability to make a woman’s private bits vice grip tight and potentially place a lover in the ER!
Lades would you try this practice? Watch her in action.