The dramatics between Future and his ex-fiancé Ciara have been playing out in the media ever since the couple parted ways a few short years ago. Since then, the Atlanta rapper has been ascending to new heights musically and Ciara has remained in the headlines. She is even in a high profile relationship with Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, who has been spotted galavanting in various cities with his new lady and the infant child Ciara has with the rapper, something Future has publicly denounced. Taking it a step further, the Seahawks refuse to play any of his music at their games or practice sessions.
Last month, Future let out a series of tweets, seemingly toward Ciara, griping about the current the custody battle over their son, and the amount of money he is forced to pay every month. As ruthless as those tweets were, today, Ciara has clapped back, filing a $15 million lawsuit against her former beau for slander and defamation. The suit pinpoints specific tweets from the rapper, which are still visible on his Twitter timeline.
TMZ later posted a video of Future being served papers from an inconspicuous process server who approached his vehicle as he left LAX. Ciara not only wants to be compensated monetarily but also wants the tweets removed, and for Future to be barred from ever making any comments about her publicly. Yikes!