Today is a wild one on social media, with the internet airwaves being dominated with conversations about men wanting partners like Ayesha Curry (which, apparently, requires one to be “a Steph Curry”), Amber Rose continuing her thankless mission to shut down slut-shamers, and, of course, more Kardashian mayhem. After kicking off the second week of March with a nude selfie on Instagram, Kim Kardashian unveiled an open letter in honor of International Women’s Day on her website Tuesday, responding to her detractors by iterating that she’s “empowered” by her body and her sexuality.
I am empowered by my sexuality. I am empowered by feeling comfortable in my skin. I am empowered by showing the world my flaws and not being afraid of what anyone is going to say about me. And I hope that through this platform I have been given, I can encourage the same empowerment for girls and women all over the world.
Kardashian’s millions of supporters have all taken to social media to throw their support behind the reality TV star, but one of Kim’s apparent supporters, Sharon Osbourne–wife of legendary metal rocker, Ozzy Osbourne–a former reality TV star herself, had a different idea of how to pay tribute to Mrs. West’s and her letter.
If you guessed “nude selfie,” you were correct.
Roughly four hours ago, Osbourne uploaded a nude selfie to Twitter, complete with the black censor stripes Kim K used in her original IG upload, and it’s already been retweeted nearly 9,000 times and favorited over 12,000.
@kimkardashian you inspired me! #liberated #thetalk
— Sharon Osbourne (@MrsSOsbourne) March 9, 2016