Cuban Migrants Rescued From Raft Accused Of Shooting Themselves In Order To Be Granted U.S. Asylum

Last Saturday, Six wounded Cuban migrants were rescued off the coast of the Key West and are now being accused of shooting themselves in an attempt to be granted asylum into the United States. Of the six, which included 37-year-old Yarelys Rios, who is 16 weeks pregnant, all were taken to South Florida hospitals to be treated for their wounds. Meanwhile, the other people on the boat, which held 26 people, were sent to border control to be deported.

The six wounded are currently desperately trying to defend themselves against allegations that they inflicted their own gunshot wounds. Though they claim that they were targeted by Cuban gunman at sea and sailed onto American shores to seek help, remarkably enough, all of the wounds missed their vital organs and arteries.

Rios, who is 16-weeks-pregnant spoke to reporters:


That [to intentionally shoot yourself] would have been something very hard. I am pregnant and I’m not going to risk my baby to come to a country that, yes, where I want to be, but not that way. ‘I know that in American waters there are several boats that can assist you and at that moment I could not go back not knowing who were the people shooting at us and what could happen.

Both Rios and her husband Denny, pictured above, had identical gunshot wounds to the right side between the ribs and hip. One of the other wounded men, Jorge Luis Escalon, also had the same wound.