Donald Trump at a California Rally: “Look at My African-American Over Here!”

As self-explanatory as the headline may be, allow us to provide context.

At a rally in California today, Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump stood in front of a crowd of supporters and began to tell the story of a Black male that “cold-cocked” a member of the Klu Klux Klan. According to trump, the media tried to paint the picture that the man was an anti-Trump protester, but at this California rally, he wanted to set the record straight.


So Trump, with his “TRUMP” podium sign hanging on for dear life, scanned the crowd for the cold-cocking Black male, located him, jubilantly lifted his right arm to gesture towards him, and bellowed: “Look at my African-American over here! Look at him! Are you the greatest?”

You can watch the full video clip here. The end.