Bernie Sanders Officially Endorses Hillary Clinton For President

As of today, Bernie Sanders is With Her.

Her, in this instance, is of course Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate for President of the United States, and the best shot this nation has ever had at having a woman as Commander-in-Chief. Sanders endorsed Clinton today at a campaign event in New Hampshire just a few hours ago. “She must become our next president.”

A year ago, Clinton’s path to the nomination appeared to be paved and golden. However, investigations into the role she played in bringing the violence in Syria to a close–some say she instigated it, others believe she was instrumental in the eventual ceasefire–and the manner in which she used a private e-mail server unsteadied her pole position. Simultaneously, Bernie Sanders, the everyman from Brooklyn that talked shop with Spike Lee and held an intimate rally for tens-of-thousands in the rain in the South Bronx, gained so much momentum, there was a real chance earlier this year that he could swipe the Democratic ticket from under Hillary’s nose.


However, Sanders’ radical policies and lofty goals proved to be either too ambitious or too unrealistic for the voting public, and his campaign lost steam during some grueling primary months. Still, Sanders and his camp have come to the conclusion that a united front against Donald Trump is better than continuing to fight against Hillary. In his comments, Sanders iterated that the race is not about any one person, but rather a common goal: the betterment of the country.

I have come here to make it as clear as possible as to why I am endorsing Hillary Clinton.

This campaign is not really about Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. This campaign is about the needs of the American people and addressing the very serious crises that we face. And there is no doubt in my mind that as we head into November, Hillary Clinton is far and away the best candidate to do that.