Mikey Rocks and Chuck Inglish Have Reunited As The Cool Kids

On the heels of the five year anniversary of their When Fish Ride Bicycles LP, Chuck English and Mikey Rocks have decided that a reunion is in store for The Cool Kids in 2016.

Since their origins at Fool’s Gold Records back in ’05-06, the Chicago released heir highly acclaimed Bake Sale EP in ’08, but announced a split last year that was supposedly permanent.

One of the biggest (and probably only real) reunions of the year, leaving both The Cool Kids and their fans anxious about the make up.


IM READY https://t.co/nAijaNZS9v

— Banco Populair (@SirMichaelRocks) July 13, 2016

I called Mikey and realized nothing would feel better than us being the originators again.

The Cool Kids are back forreal.

— CHUCK INGLISH 20/3 (@Chuckisdope) July 13, 2016

The Hiatus is over. We missed being us.

We refuse to let people down and not be the actual group. We been through too much.

— CHUCK INGLISH 20/3 (@Chuckisdope) July 13, 2016

So prepare for things to go back to they were suppsosed to be.

The Cool Kids together is what is right in the world. It’s on. P

— CHUCK INGLISH 20/3 (@Chuckisdope) July 13, 2016

I can’t say I’ve felt more complete as an artist than to be back with my brother to give the world what we started.

— CHUCK INGLISH 20/3 (@Chuckisdope) July 13, 2016

We really felt like we hadn’t really finished what we started.

They took our styles and ran off.

We coming back for it all.

— CHUCK INGLISH 20/3 (@Chuckisdope) July 13, 2016