The perfect troll act is difficult to pull off, but someone has achieved just that in Hollywood today.

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Infamous artist Plastic Jesus, known for his “No Trump Anytime” and “No Kardashian Anytime” street signs, built a tiny wall, complete with barbed wire, American-flagged corners, and “Keep Out” signs, around Donald Trump‘s Hollywood Walk of Fame star today, an obvious response to one of the most salient and publicized items on the Trump campaign’s agenda: build an impenetrable wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to keep “illegal aliens” out of mainland America.

This week is the Republican National Convention, and we’ve already seen a boatload of appalling antics, from Melania Trump plagiarizing Michelle Obama‘s 2008 DNC speech to a conservative talk radio host using an abbreviated Nazi salute in her closing remarks. So, it’s the perfect week to pull off the troll of a lifetime on anything related Trump. (Just ask YG, who dropped his “FDT Part II” yesterday.)


This probably isn’t the wall ol’ Donald had in mind, but maybe he’ll use it as a model should he get elected. Yes, things are getting that weird on the campaign trail.

Trump finally got his wall. #walkoffame #walloffame #hollywood #losangeles #californiadreaming

A photo posted by Johan Ekman (@jekman74) on

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