Lin-Manuel Miranda Deals With Different President Candidates on Remix of a ‘Hamilton’ Hit

Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda hosted Saturday Night Live last night [Saturday, October 8], and the gig came up with plenty of punchlines, skits, and oh yeah, a remix of his musical’s hit.

All you had to do was turn to NBC—no lottery this time to see a glimpse of his Broadway talent. Miranda opened the show with a monologue, rather an SNL/presidential election version of Hamilton’s “My Shot.” Often performing spoken word and rapping, He has a much rhythm and rhyme as anyone on the Hip Hop charts. This rendition is no exception.

But the best moment of the night had to be MC Miranda rapping in braces as a high school drama club member. Let’s just say the party for the cast of the Crucible was lit.

Plus a sketch surrounding popular series Stranger Things proves that the mulit-facted artist knows a lot more than just plays. He filled in some “missing” details for fans about the Netflix hit, along with regulars Leslie Jones, Kenan Thompson, Sasheer Zamata, Kyle Mooney, and Kate McKinnon.