A Movie And Book About Tom Brady’s Super Bow LI Victory Is In The Woodworks

The greatest comeback in Super Bowl history is now turning into a motion picture/

Just when you thought fans couldn’t get enough of Tom Brady and the Pats, think again. According to reports at Deadline.com, an book and an movie about the Patriots come-from-behind win is in the works. Filmmakers Paul Tamasy and Eric Johnson are the duo who will bring this visual together as die hard Pat fans will be itching to see who will portray their favorite gridiron giants. Along with covering the Super Bowl comeback, the book and movie will cover Deflategate. They have this to say about this project.

…but it’s not going to shy away from controversy and will include the team’s battle to overcome the Deflategate debacle in 2014, follow Brady’s fall from grace and then his triumphant return to lead the Patriots to his fifth world championship.

Pigskin fans, stay tune as the dynasty of the Patriots will be shown at your nearest movie theater soon.