Rachel Dolezal Legally Changes Her Name To Nigerian Phrase That Means “Gift of God”

The former NAACP President Rachel Dolezal who lied about being black mentioned that she was changing her name during a press run for the release of her book, because finding work has been difficult. But she forgot to mention that the name was an African phrase that meant “gift of God”.

Dolezal legally changed her name to Nkechi Amare Diallo. The name is from the Igbo language of Nigeria. Shortly after the name change, someone started a petition on change.org under Dolezal’s new name to have TED Talk post the TEDxtalk with Rachel Dolezal on their website.

Dolezal still stands firm to her beliefs that race should be as indefinite as gender. Her book Full Color is about racial identity, and is releasing next month under her birth name.


Many people took to Twitter to weigh in on the name change, especially many Nigerians.