If you’re flying high, you’re in good company. “Frequent Flyers Lifestyle” Jitsu Gaiden emanates positivity, encouraging and lifting others up on the wings of his talent and inspirational attitude towards life. The most intriguing part of the “Frequent Flyers Lifestyle” is that it can apply to anyone – “a designer, DJ, someone in school working for their degree,” says the artist, “Frequent Flyers” are everywhere.” Known by his good vibes persona and signature backpack, people from the Nashville area are starting to take notice of Jitsu’s zest for music and life. And, soon, the world will too.
His most recent project, a single entitled “Rolling Stone,” is a single off of a collaborative album between Jitsu and producer Beeks Vybe. The single chronicles past relationships and the dilemma any passionate, creative person will face when trying to juggle the pressures of a personal life and career. Because Jitsu Gaiden’s focus has been fiercely fixed on becoming music’s next best thing, late nights and early mornings leave little energy and time for a relationship. “I’m chasing my dreams and trying to be in the rap game,” he says, “It gets kind of hard, because business conflicts with my relationship. And, at the end of the day I’m so gung ho about achieving my goal. I hope she understands that just because I can’t be there all the time doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about her.”
Fans who want to check out some of Jitsu’s music and watch the music video for “Rolling Stone” can visit his website jitsugaiden.net.