Monday [April 3rd], a 15-year-old boy turned himself in to police accompanied by his mother. He will now become the second teenager to be arrested for the rape case of a 15-year-old girl in Chicago broadcasted on Facebook live.
The teens now arrested are facing aggravated criminal assault charges, along with distributing child pornography. The two are now of the many juvenile offenders from the March 19th live raping. The police are currently on the hunt to track down the other offenders involved in the assault, and according to the film there were as many as six or more.
Police are also finding it hard to fully identify individuals involved because the video shows more of body parts closeups. At least 40 people watched the live video of the raping on Facebook and no one called the police. The mother came across the video after her daughter went missing and showed the police.
Updates are still coming in on the investigation.