Friday, Fox News announced the firing of Bob Beckel, a co-host of the primetime program “The Five,” alleging that he made an inappropriate comments directed at a black employee,
Fox News has not disclosed what Beckel said to the employee, who filed the complaint that led to his firing.
The exchange between Beckel and the employee happened off the air on Tuesday night [May 16, 2017] according to a source familiar with the situation, and was promptly brought to the attention of Fox News’ HR department.
Once an investigation was conducted, Beckel’s termination was set in motion.
This is only the latest in a string of discrimination cases brought against employees in the past year.
Within the past year, discrimination cases have led to the firing of comptroller Judy Slater after two black employees filed a suit directed towrds Slater’s racist and inapproriate remarks.
Most notably, Fox News’ on-air personality Bill O’Reilly turned in his resignation after complaints of sexual harassment and information of settlements paid to multiple women became public.