HERSource Interview: Meet The Show-Stopping Singer, LOLO

LOLO is a show-stopping singer from Jackson, TN – rising on the radar with nothing but raw talent. Recently, she performed live on Wednesday, September 13th in Brooklyn, NY – as part of her involvement in Herradura’s “Luck is Earned” campaign. Her namesake Tequila Herradura cocktail, “Lucky LOLO,” is for this campaign that features raw and undeniably real stories of people who parallel the ambition, passion and soul of Tequila Herradura, while embodying the brand’s mantra that there are no shortcuts to greatness.

She has proven herself a venerable songwriter, from penning hits for Panic! At The Disco’s #1 blockbuster album to writing a New York Times raved about off-Broadway musical, “Songbird” — a perfect segue from LOLO’s past role as the originator of Ilse in the critically-acclaimed smash musical “Spring Awakening.” Her album, In Loving Memory of When I Gave a Shit, is a come-to-Jesus moment for the songstress who moved back to Tennessee after exploring her path on the stages of New York and time in London – a literal reflection of LOLO’s journey on the road back home, which paints the picture of a woman who is finally able to shine and be her true self.

With a daring and emotionally charged voice, her music evokes a hot southern night – rough around the edges but with a velvety quality that soothes the soul. HERSource was able to link up with this rising star after her performance for an exclusive interview .



Check out her full interview below!

Q: Talk about how you became involved with Herradura and your involvement in a “Luck is Earned” campaign.

A: “I’ve always believed that we make our own luck through the work we do and the relationships we build. I had an opportunity to share my story with Tequila Herradura earlier this year and it just made perfect sense that we should work together. It’s been wonderful working with people who celebrate the hustle.”

Q: What exactly inspired you to begin your profession and when did you officially start?

A: “Music has always been the biggest part of my life. I grew up an hour from Memphis where music is playing and being played round the clock. I realized as a young girl that I could make music for a living and since then I’ve been on my artists journey.”

Q: What has been the biggest highlight of your career so far and why?

A: “I’ve been fortunate enough to have many accomplishments over my career so far, but the biggest ones for me this year we’re being nominated for a Grammy Award as a Songwriter and receiving Platinum and Gold album awards for Songwriting.”

Q: How has your life changed since you began your journey and what are you expecting next?

A: “As my career continues, the challenges constantly change. I’m able to do what I love every day and filling my days with music makes the world seem less scary or difficult at times cause I’m able to disappear into my music. Up next: I’m currently working on my next album. I’m also writing/composing 3 new musicals and I’m looking forward to sharing those with the world soon.”

Q: What characteristics are important to have in order to be successful and why?

A: “I believe the most important characteristic is strength. Whatever you chose to do in your life, you are gonna have really difficult days, weeks, maybe even years. They will test your beliefs, judgments and abilities. Having the strength to get back up and keep moving forward is so important. We all have the power inside of us to do anything.”

Q: What prominent individuals in entertainment inspire you and why?

A: “I’m inspired by anyone who makes their own path. Some of my favorite people who’ve done that are: Joni Mitchell, Grace Weber, Leslie Jones, Melanie Martinez, Cymbals Eat Guitars, Jeffery Tambor, Josh Homme, Donald Glover, Aziz Ansari, Erykah Badu, Bonnie Raitt, Aretha Franklin, Eminem, Beyonce and Billy Joel.”

Photos by Amy Sussman/AP Images